Legacy (pre 2025) SummaryPro Manual
Click the button below to display the manual in PDF format. The first section of the manual is designed to walk you through a very simple Plan on a Page summary, however, the rest of the manual is designed to be referenced as needed.
The manual covers:
Getting started
- Steps to getting started
- Getting to know SummaryPro
- A quick introduction to using SummaryPro
- Introducing the Excel Engine
- Introducing the Visio Display
- How to make a new Summary / Plan on a Page
1st steps - a detailed guide to setting up your first Summary Plan
- Create a simple 5 task plan
- Adding Comments
- Updating an existing plan
- Adding or removing rows
- Change how milestones display
- Outputting the summary
Changing the appearance of bars
- Changing the bar height
- Changing Font
- Adding colours
- How to stop a bar displaying
- What do the colours on the Bar Details sheet mean?
- Using a report as a template
Baseline. RAG and Progress bars
- Displaying % complete
- Adding a baseline
- Displaying the baseline
- Hide RAG, Progress and/or Baseline
Adding other elements
- Blank rows
- Swim lanes
- Overlay tasks
- Symbols
- Attachment points and why
- Status and target lines
Page settings
- Introducing the available options
- What happens when tasks fall outside the report
- Introducing the controls available
- Formatting timescales
- Floating timescales
Explanation of all items in the Standard Settings sheet
Importing data to drive milestones and bars
- Introducing data requirements
- Primavera
- Project
- Project On Line
- Excel
- Smartsheet
- Emails / no plan - entering directly into SummaryPro
- Combining multiple data sources
- Introduction
- Setting up the data to allow dependencies to be shown
- Importing dependencies
- Defining the dependencies
- Formatting dependencies
- The Visio display element
- Using MS Project to track and export dependencies
- Macro Security
- What happens in Excel and what is controlled in Visio
- Something has gone wrong - fault finding and causes of errors.
- Moving SummaryPro to another machine
- Cancelling my licence
- Adding more machines / licences