Home > Support > Transfer Macro

When upgrading to an updated version of SummaryPro, you must copy all the settings, data and styles to a new copy of the Excel and make a new Visio with a matching file name.

To make this easier, we provide a macro which

  • Makes a new copy of the Excel and Visio files using the latest version you have downloaded.
  • Copies the data from the old version of the Excel file.
  • Saves the original versions as new files so that you still have access if needed,  for instance to check that the transfer has been successful.

To download the macro click on the button below


Enter the details for the new files and the original.

1) Enter the following in the light green cells:

  1. a) Your chosen suffix (we recommend _OLD).
  2. b) The file pathways to the Original files and the latest version of SummaryPro Note that they can be same folder if you prefer.
  3. c) The name of the latest files without the xlsm or vsdx suffix.

2) Check that the Latest Path / File name isn't too long - see the "Length Check" box.

Rename the files you want to change.

3) Rename all files in the origin folder using the "Rename all Orgin files" button.  This will rename all the excel macro and visio files with _OLD (or your chosen suffix).  Note you can chose to only change the Excel macro files if the latest Visio file doesn't contain any changes.  This will make the Visio update much faster.

Update the Excel and Visio files with the latest versions

4) Press the Update Origina from Latest button.  This will

  - Make a copy of the latest Excel file and copy data from the original (_OLD) file

  - Make a copy of the latest Visio file and rename it to match the Excel.

5) Open each excel and then close it saving on the way out.  This will run all macros to update the POAP.

Copy the contents, connections etc from the old Visio files to the new versions (if you have updated the Visio files)

6) For each report open the two Visio files

7) Remove comments etc from Current Visio file

8) Refresh the Current Visio File

9) Copy over all comments etc from Original Visio to Current Visio file, attach them individually and make changes as needed (for instance the font sizes may be different).  The simplest way to select all the comments is to use the "Select by type" function in Visio and when all the comments are selected, group them, copy and paste them into the new Visio and then ungroup them.  You can then move each comment slightly to trigger the attachment to the relevant milestone or task.

How to select all comments at once

10) Close and save Current Visio

11) Close the Original Visio file without saving any changes

Repeat 5) to 11) for all file pairs.

Remove the old files when you're ready

12) Whe you are satisifed that all the new files are operating as expected you can delete the orignals - simplyt filter on *_OLD* and delete.